Calendar Lock PEA - Manual
Just extract the downloaded file and doubleclick the jar file (Windows) or the start file (Unix). If this does not work, read the first part of the manual.
If the Calendar Lock PEA starts, you'll probably find your way without any instructions. If not, read the second part of the manual.
1. Start the Jar Archive
If you are familiar with jar archives, you can skip this part.
Java Runtime Environment
You need a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to run the program. On most systems there is at least one available (Open JDK, Oracle Java SE, Jamiga, CACAO, JamVM...). Normally you do not have to install anything, but if you can't start the program, take a look at Open JDK project or the Orcale Downloads. Oracles JRE is free available for most platforms and also - with a few exceptions - open source.
Unpack the download file
In most cases an archive manager opens when the file is clicked,on Windows: 7zip, PeaZip... (Warning: WinRar for Windows makes executable jar archives in-executable)
on Unix Ark, File Roller, Karchive, Xarchiver, PeaZip... You can also use the command line for Linux:
For tar-gz files type
tar -xzf EXAMPLE.tar.gz
, for zip files
type unzip
(for zip files, you may need to install unzip first).
Start the jar file
PEAs are single Java jar archives, a file with the extension "jar".
Linux, BSD systems and Mac OS and other UNIX like systems:
Console: go to the directory in which the jar file is located and type: java -jar calendar.jar
There is also a script file called to start the Calendar Lock PEA (maybe you have to make it executable).
Windows: Normally you can open the jar archive just by a double click.
You can also use the terminal,
go to the directory of your archive and type java -jar calendar.jar
There is also a file called windows_start.bat which should start the Calendar Lock PEA by a double click. This
is only necessary if an archive manager (e.g. WinRar) has made executable jar file unworkable by default.
2. Initialization: First Start
Before the PEA is initialized, the default algorithms for encryption can be changed (menu settings).
The first time you start the Calendar Lock PEA, you have to initialize. You are asked for a password, a color and a location for the encrypted ics file.
In order to be able to manage several files at the same time with the same Calendar Lock PEA, a previously encrypted
calendar file must be displayed in the password dialog. If this is not the case, a different salt is created for the file,
which does not allow a shared opening even with the same password.
The problem does not occur, if the question about remembering the file name is answered with Yes.
You have the option to save different calendars (work, free time...) in one file or in an extra file for each calendar. You will be asked to do this when you create another calendar.
3. In Use
Files encrypted with different algorithms or with different salt are selectable with option buttons. Only one type of file can be opened at a time.
Calendar files can be stored in the cloud and then loaded. An existing cloud access is required for a cloud provider that supports the WebDAV protocol. The cloud provider must be registered once, the password is then encrypted with the password of the PEA.