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Version 0.4.0-beta
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PeaFactory as tar archive
Previous version
Version 0.3.0-beta (2019) for- Notebook PEA 1.2
- File Lock PEA 1.1
- Image Lock PEA 1.1
- Calendar Lock PEA 1.0
SHA-256: d028764dff15832877da65f711fe0d982f20c01f49e5c3a82341c80d4db698ae
peafactory-0.3.0-beta as tar MD5 checksum: beb7154c853a3326ecbed7dcbabf1b16
SHA-256: c315a10d669228f863db3879cbf419f9f3c9f5a7665815bcd884c2a5c4fd8cd9
Version Log from 0.3.0-beta to 0.4.0-beta
- For most changes: see version log of PEAs (cloud support...).
- Algorithms: RIPEMD320 and SHA-384 removed, added: LEA, Kalyna (DSTU7624), RC6, Blake3
- Several bugfixes, some likely to persist - this is a beta version
Thanks to all who have improved, tested or reviewed Calendar Lock PEA or other PEAs.